Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Featuring Zo'
Stylist Demanti O'Bryant
Photography by Demetrius Markee

Ini, mini, miny, "ZO!" I had been discussing a collaboration with St.Claire Modeling for some time at this point and we had finally came up with a vision for what I thought were to be two fresh faced, male models.

Once arriving at destination I learned that vision could possibly change due to some timing issues. I won't can't say I was pleased with finding out the models were running extremely late, but once I met Zo' it became apparent that  maybe the other model was meant to be running behind in order for him to shine. 

This was Zo's first shoot, but oddly enough he wasn't the "Deer caught in headlights" I thought he would be. He took direction very well, was open to any suggestions and quite frankly did a pretty good job if I must say so myself. With the guidance of Demanti O'Bryant I think this will be one model to watch out for! 

1 comment:

  1. This is one beautiful man and your work is amazing.


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